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saargummi_logoManagement Board of Boryszew S.A. informed that the Company has placed  on 11 February the binding offer for purchase the German SaarGummi Group, including:

  • assets of enterprise SaarGummi GmbH in insolvency
  • assets of enterprise SaarGummi GmbH Deutschland in insolvency
  • stakes in subsidiaries companies and in joint ventures belonging to SaarGummi GmbH.

The Company belongs to the biggest world producers of sealing systems with about 20 % share in the global market of body sealing systems for automotive market.

The biggest clients are producers of Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes, Ford and Opel / General Motors and Porsche.

The basic delivery market for SaarGummi is Europe. Apart from this, within last years the Company has started production on the developing markets, such as Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC countries) as well as in the USA, Spain, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The share of deliveries outside the European market systematically grows follows to the development of automotive market in BRIC countries.

Technological advantage of SaarGummi is a result of excellent R & D base and the unique global endless sealing system, which allows to feed seals to the production cars line continuously.

Groups products have been also used in the modern building and aeronautics sectors, among others in the elements of NASA space shuttles.

The Group owns 12 production works (including 3 joint-ventures) in: Germany, Brazil, Czech Republic, Spain, the USA, China India, Russia and Slovakia, employing altogether 4,300 persons.

Benefits resulted from synergy between SaarGummi and Maflow Group, taken over by Boryszew S.A. in 2010 will be connected with the decreasing of production costs of rubber components by using own mixers, merger of central functions and the improvement of price conditions buying jointly raw-materials.