Purchase was executed by appointed by Boryszew S.A., company Maflow Spain Automotive S.L.U. with the seat in Poligono Idustrial de Guarnizo (El Astillero), parcela no 50. Cantabria. NIF B-39734579.
The company Maflow Spain Automotive S.L.U., created in September 2010, is 100 % subsidiary of Boryszew S.A..
The enterprise purchased from Maflow Components Iberica S.L.U. consists of and are purchased among others:
- assets,
- intangible assets (together with intellectual property),
- inventories,
- selected agreements concerning activity of Maflow Components Iberica S.L.U., binding on the day of signing the agreement,
- employees,
- contracts.
Both parties has agreed a sale price of Maflow Components Iberia S.L.U. for EUR 1,5 million.
Purchasing the Spanish enterprises, Boryszew Group continues the business integration of automotive sector in order to achieve synergy effects on the European scale using its own R and D center.
The above mentioned purchase will allow Boryszew Group to take full advantage of potential of purchased in August 2010 Maflow Polska – works in Tychy and Chełmek, as well as purchased in October 2010 enterprises Man Servizi and Maflow S.p.A. in Italy.
The Management Board of the company additionally informs that the process of purchase of international companies belonging to Maflow Group on the key arising markets for the automotive industry: Brasil and China has been finalized.