paiiz logo newPAIiIZ begins the last quarter of 2015 with acquiring 12 new projects worth €196m in total. Due to that, 1,200 new jobs may soon be created in Poland.

Since the beginning of 2015, 38 investment projects with a total value of €583.54m and a chance for creating over 7,400 new jobs have been successfully completed with PAIiIZ support.

Currently, the Agency supports 165 investments that together are worth €3562.7m. If all of them are completed, 31,280 new jobs will be created in Poland. Among ongoing projects, the majority comes from BPO sector (37 investments; total value of €33.47 m; 9,040 new jobs planned). The leader is followed by: automotive industry (33 investments; total value of €704.4 m; 7.296 new jobs planned); R&D (15 investments; €57.4m; 1,620 new jobs planned) and aviation industry with the impressive total value of projects reaching €559.5m (15 projects; 1,854 new jobs planned). The next positions are held by IT sector (11 projects) and food industry (10 projects).

As far as the country of origin of ongoing investments supported by PAIiIZ, projects from the US predominate (37 projects). In PAIiIZ portfolio there are also 8 with Polish capital that have the value of €386,32m in total and can lead to the creation of 2,011 new jobs in Poland soon.