paiiz logo newPortfolio of investments supported by PAIiIZ has been enriched with 11 new projects, while another two investments have been successfully finalised.

Currently, the Agency runs 179 projects worth over EUR 3.17 mln in total. If all completed, 31 371 new jobs can be created.

Foreign entrepreneurs, who are considering investing in Poland, come mainly from the automotive sector (37 projects), BPO (33 projects) R&D (17), aviation (14), food industry (13) and IT (10). In terms of value of planned investments, the automotive industry (€704.15 mln), food industry (€532.72 mln) and ICT (€250.36 mln) dominate.

In terms of the country of origin, US maintained its leading position with 46 projects (€862.31 mln, 7 519 jobs planned), followed by Germany - 29 projects (value of €324.65 mln, 4 516 jobs planned). Third place is held by French investments (12 projects worth €233.2 mln, thanks to which 1 617 new jobs may be generated). The other places are held by Italy and Japan - respectively 11 and 10 projects.