W okresie 11 miesięcy 2010 r. Grupa Volkswagena sprzedała na całym świecie 6,59 mln aut osobowych, o 12,7 proc. więcej niż rok wcześniej.
W samym listopadzie sprzedaż Grupy wyniosła 617,1 tys. aut (+16,2 proc.).
Znaczący wzrost nastąpił w Chinach, gdzie w okresie 11 miesięcy 2010 r. sprzedano 1,82 mln aut (+37,8 proc.). Na rynek USA Grupa dostarczyła 325,6 tys. pojazdów (+21,3 proc.). W Europie Zachodniej (bez Niemiec) sprzedanych zostało 1,71 mln samochodów (+12,5 proc.). W samych Niemczech Grupa dostarczyła 950 tys. aut. To o 19 proc. mniej niż w tym samym okresie zeszłego roku.
Volkswagen Samochody Osobowe sprzedał 4,18 mln aut (+12,7 proc.). Marka kontynuuje wzrosty na takich rynkach jak Chiny (+34,4 proc.), Stany Zjednoczone (+20,7 proc.) czy Rosja (+42,9 proc.).
Audi przekroczyło barierę 1 mln aut (+15,3 proc.), w tym 209,8 tys. w samych Chinach (+50 proc.). Škoda zanotował 56,6 proc. wzrost do ponad 702 tys. sprzedanych aut natomiast SEAT osiagnął taki samym wynik jak rok wcześniej (313 tys.)
Volkswagen Pojazdy Użytkowe mogą pochwalić się 19,3 proc. wzrostem (390.7 tys.).
Grupa zapowiedziała, że w całym 2010 r. sprzeda po raz pierwszy w swojej historii liczbę ponad 7 mln pojazdów.
No. 422/2010
Volkswagen Group:
Deliveries after eleven months exceed full year 2009
• 12.7 percent increase in deliveries to 6.59 million vehicles in period to
• Month of November saw strong 16.2 percent rise in deliveries of Group
models to 617,100 units
• Volkswagen brand deliveries grow 18.3 percent in November
• Group Board member for Sales Klingler: “We will be well above last year’s
level and anticipate annual deliveries of more than 7 million vehicles for
first time”
Wolfsburg, December 10, 2010 – The Volkswagen Group has already exceeded total
deliveries for the full year 2009 after only eleven months of the current year. Europe’s
largest automaker delivered a total of 6.59 million (5.85 million; +12.7 percent)*
vehicles worldwide from January to November, again outperforming the positive
trend on global automobile markets (+11.3 percent). At 617,100 (531,200)** units, more
vehicles were also delivered in the month of November than in the same month last
year. While the market only improved by 10.3 percent in November, Group deliveries
grew by 16.2 percent. “The Volkswagen Group is benefiting disproportionately from
the upturn on most major automobile markets. We anticipate a new delivery record of
more than seven million vehicles for the full year,” Group Board Member for Sales
Christian Klingler said in Wolfsburg on Friday.
Continued positive development on established markets and in growth regions
There was a further significant rise in Volkswagen Group deliveries to customers in China,
with the total for January to November running at 1.82 (1.32; +37.8 percent) million units.
Growth in the Asia / Pacific region as a whole was 38.6 percent. The Group also reported
continued high growth in the USA, delivering 325,600 (268,400; +21.3 percent) units.
In Western Europe (excluding Germany), the Group brands delivered 1.71 (1.52;
+12.5 percent) million units. The Volkswagen Group therefore developed noticeably better
than the overall market, which only grew by 2.7 percent. In Central and Eastern Europe, the
Group delivered 382,900 (348,800) vehicles to customers, a rise of 9.8 percent. Growth was
particularly positive in Russia (+36.3 percent).
No. 422/2010
Page 2
In Germany, the Volkswagen Group delivered 950,000 (1.17 million; -19 percent) vehicles in
the period to November. As the overall market continued to contract due to the effects of the
scrapping premium (-25.2 percent), the Group was able to expand its market share.
Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand increases deliveries
The Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand delivered a total of 4.18 (3.71; +12.7 percent) million
units. The brand continued its very pleasing growth on key markets such as China
(+34.4 percent), the USA (+20.7 percent) and Russia (+42.9 percent). Volkswagen’s progress
continued on the Indian market, too, where 24,100 (2,600) vehicles were delivered,
representing a further significant increase.
Group’s Audi and Škoda brands again grow deliveries
Audi broke through the one million barrier in the period January to November, delivering more
than 1 million (870,500; +15.3 percent) vehicles worldwide. The brand with the four rings
reported growth in almost all of the world’s sales regions, in Europe, North and South America,
Asia / Pacific and Africa plus the Middle East. The Ingolstadt-based subsidiary delivered
209,800 (139,900; +50 percent) vehicles on the key market of China.
The Škoda brand also reported further growth, with deliveries to customers worldwide totaling
702,400 (625,700; +12.3 percent). Here, too, there was strong growth on the Chinese market,
where the Czech brand delivered 56.2 percent (167,000; 106,900) more vehicles.
SEAT maintained its position on the market in the period January to November, delivering
313,000 (312,900) vehicles, on a par with the prior-year period. Developments on the brand’s
home market of Spain were very pleasing, with deliveries rising by 13 percent (86,300;
76,300 units).
Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles delivered 390,700 (327,400) vehicles, a very gratifying rise
of 19.3 percent. Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles even reported a 38.4 percent increase for
the month of November. Deliveries in South America were particularly positive. Here, the
Hanover-based automaker delivered 103,200 (55,900) units, an increase of 84.5 percent.
*) excluding Scania, including Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Trucks and Buses for
January/February 2009
**) excluding Scania
Volkswagen Group Communications
Spokesperson International Sales
Enrico Beltz
Phone: +49 (0) 53 61 / 9-4 85 90
Fax: +49 (0) 53 61 / 9-57-4 85 90
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Zobacz także:
Škoda Auto rozpocznie się w Chinach produkcję swojego modelu Yeti. SUV będzie wytwarzany w fabryce Volkswagena w Szanghaju.